datetime for zig
Time Zone awared Date Time.
WARNING This project is still under development.
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/ymd-h/datetime.zig#v0.0.4
In build.zig
pub fn build(b: *b.std.Build) !void {
const exe = b.addExecutable(
// (omit)
const datetime = b.dependency("datetime-zig", .{ .target = .target, .optimize = .optimize });
exe.root_module.addImport("datetime", datetime.module("datetime"));
const std = @import("std");
const datetime = @import("datetime");
const DateTime = datetime.DateTime;
pub fn main(){
// Create from Timestamp and TimeZone
const dt = DateTime.fromTimestamp(.{ .s = std.time.timestamp() }, .{});
_ = try DateTime.fromTimestamp(.{ .ms = std.time.milliTimestamp() }, .{});
_ = try DateTime.fromTimestamp(.{ .us = std.time.microTimestamp() }, .{});
_ = try DateTime.fromTimestamp(.{ .ns = std.time.nanoTimestamp() }, .{});
_ = try DateTime.fromTimestamp(.{ .s = std.time.timestamp() }, .{ .hour = 2, .minute = 30 });
// Parse ISO8601 date string
const dt2 = try DateTime.parse("2024-09-15T11:15:23.987+09:00");
// Format ISO8601
var w = std.io.bufferedWriter(std.iogetStdOut().writer());
const stdout = bw.writer();
try dt.formatISO8601(stdout, .{ .format = .extended, .resolution = .ms });
try stdout.print("\n", .{});
try bw.flush();
// Custom Format
try dt.formatCustom(stdout, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f %:z\n");
// Compare DateTime
_ = try dt.earlierThan(dt2);
_ = try dt.laterThan(dt2);
_ = try dt.equal(dt2);
// Get Timestamp (elapsed time from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
_ = try dt.getTimestamp(); // i64
_ = try dt.getMilliTimestamp(); // i64
_ = try dt.getMicroTimestamp(); // i64
_ = try dt.getNanoTimestamp(); // i128
// Get day of week
_ = try dt.dayOfWeek(); // enum { .Sunday, .Monday, .Tuesday, .Wednesday, .Thursday, .Friday, .Saturday }
// Sort
var dates = [_]Date{ dt, dt2 };
try DateTime.sort(&dates, .asc);
try DateTime.sort(&dates, .desc);
Since fields can be changed from outside freely, methods validate its values and fail unless it is valid.
Leap second (.second = 60
) is accepted and can be compared,
however, it will be ignored when exporting to UNIX timestamp.
from Timestamp
and TimeZone
and ceil()
with resolution of century, year, hour, date, hour, minute, second, milli second, micro second, and nano second.