


A Zig language server supporting Zig developers with features like autocomplete and goto definition

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Updated: 2:08:58 PM Wed Sep 18 2024Size: 7683KBCreated: 10:19:50 PM Fri Apr 24 2020
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ZLS is a non-official implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Zig in Zig. It provides developers with IDE features in their editor.


See the Installation Guide for editor and binary installation instructions.

From Source

Building ZLS requires a build of Zig master.

git clone https://github.com/zigtools/zls
cd zls
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe


ZLS supports most language features, including simple type function support, using namespace, payload capture type resolution, custom packages, cImport and others. Support for comptime and semantic analysis is Work-in-Progress.

The following LSP features are supported:

  • Completions
  • Hover
  • Goto definition/declaration
  • Document symbols
  • Find references
  • Rename symbol
  • Formatting using zig fmt
  • Semantic token highlighting
  • Inlay hints
  • Code actions
  • Selection ranges
  • Folding regions

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